Music Monday

Hey, guys!

So, for my first Music Monday I am going to tell you what songs really inspired me with writing the beginning of Life After You.

My first song that I really connected to was Daughtry – Open Up Your Eyes.

This song has so many feels for me. The emotion from the lyrics paved my way for the first chapter. I felt like it was perfect for how Kayla was feeling, what she was going through. For me, it was like Logan was singing it about her, so I could connect to both characters through one song.

One of my all-time favourite songs that I listened to when writing Life After You, and I still love listening to, is Plumb – Don’t Deserve You. I felt like this was a great song for Kayla. Logan’s been her best-friend since childhood, and for him she battled through the toughest time in her life, after losing her twin brother. Logan’s has always been a constant figure in her life, and it was always him that was there when she was in trouble, or doing something reckless.

Music is a huge creative part of my writing. I’ve always had a passion for music, and I can easily get lost in it. If you find me writing, nine times out of ten I’ll have my headphones on and one of my playlists playing. Of course, having a twelve year old daughter makes my playlist interesting… She likes to add a couple of random songs to surprise me. One of my latest finds was Little Mix.

Duty calls, guys! Thanks for taking the time to read my first post! Logan’s been calling me for the last ten minutes, so I better go and see what trouble he’s got himself into…
