Life After You: Important Announcement

Hi, guys!
I just want to give you an update of Life After You.

Due to a hectic lifestyle, and life in general, I am going to have to postpone the release.

I want to make sure that everything is in perfect condition before it gets published,

and I’ve had a couple of set backs that have left me with no alternative but to push the release back by a few weeks.

As soon as Life After You has been formatted, I will then give you guys the new release date.

I am so sorry that I have to do this, and I hope that you’ll understand.


Life After You: Teasers

*** O M G !!!! ***

Katie JUST this second posted up some AMAZING teasers for Life After You on her facebook page!!!

They are fricking amazing!!

I am so excited for Life After You, these teasers have me wanting more!

You guys should go and check them out the facebook page HERE

Or you know, you can just keep on scrolling down 😉

Let us know what you think in the comments section!

x x x

Chace clay Dean kayla Logan Dale Sam Trey
